End of Tenancy
Moving into your own place, whether as a student or due to a career-related relocation, can feel like a huge amount of liberating fun – especially if you have never rented before. Nonetheless, the phrase “your own place” is used cautiously in that sentence, as the place isn’t quite yours – it is, of course, your landlord’s. Therefore, you need to account for their wishes.
When tenants might fall into trouble
That includes, if you are preparing to relinquish your tenancy, making sure the property is as clean as it was when you first moved in. During your stay in the space, you would already have been obliged to keep it clean and hygienic. Failing to meet this daily obligation would have risked the emergence and spread of health issues, pest infestations and mould – nothing endearing to any landlord.
In any case, if you haven’t been having the property deep cleaned every week, you could realise that the home isn’t quite as clean as it would need to be in order for you to get back your deposit. This can pose a major problem, as simply preparing your next relocation could already be taking up much of your time. Would you really have enough time for cleaning, too?
Could the services industry help you?
Given how time-intensive that final cleaning of your soon-to-be-former property could prove, you might not be surprised that a market for end of tenancy cleaning services has opened up. Cleaning Central is a competitor in that space – but, before considering any of these services, you may still be tempted to do the cleaning yourself. Would it be possible – and acceptable to your landlord?
If you’ve been pretty diligent with keeping on top of regular cleaning, you might only have to carry out a final sweep of the property. However, making time for that cleaning can be much easier said than done – especially in the run-up to your switch of residency. Using a professional end of tenancy cleaning service is certainly within your rights, and can ensure an immaculate finish at every turn.